There hasn't been a lot of Captain America movie information to update you with recently, however there has been some new Marvel studios info to pass along so here goes.
There was the recent amusing rumour that Matthew McConaughey was in the running for the role of Captain America in the upcoming movie from Marvel. this has since been discredited, but the most recent rumour had Will Smith, who will next be seen in the Seven Pounds movie this December, being approached by Marvel Studios to see if he would be interested in the Captain America lead. Smith himself debunked this rumour during a brief interview the other day while at the same time Marvel executives made an effort to put out the speculation fires regarding the possibility of smith in the role. Of course, even with all of these denials, one has to keep in mind that he could still be in the running; if it is in the works, neither side would necessarily want to admit it until the papers are signed. As for why I don't think McConaughey was ever in the running: I don't think he is of the caliber of Hollywood star expected by Marvel to fill such a role. (you just know that Marvel would still love to see Brad Pitt in the role)
On a side note, I think it is a sad comment on preconceptions in any medium when you here that many comic book fans complained about the possibility that a Black man (Smith) might even be in the running to play a character that has traditionally been white. It almost makes me wish it was going to be Smith just to watch certain people choke on their own bile when he does a good job of it. Anyone remember the somewhat negative fan reaction when it was first announced that Heath Ledger would be playing the Joker? Hard to believe now, eh?
Until next time...